Losen World Literature 2010-2011


Rubric for First Draft of “The Dead” essay (due on October 20/21:


1.       Name is on the top right of the page: 2 points

2.       Period is just below that: 2 points

3.       “The Dead” Essay is below that: 1 point

4.       Student includes all 28 answered questions—and thoughtfully answered with specific references to the text included—10 points

5.       Student includes all writing done in the class—5 points

6.       All work is compiled from the most recent to the first things you did—which should be the answers to the questions. The work should be stapled/clipped when you get to class. –5 points.

7.       Thesis Statement does not repeat the prompt but draws the reader in—5 points

8.       Each paragraph has a topic sentence—5 points

9.       Each paragraph includes support that is paraphrased and/or directly quoted. Not everything is to be paraphrased. There must be some direct quotes. Long direct quotes will lose points. Direct quotes are brief and noted by paragraph #.  Some direct quotes should be integrated into your sentences.—25 points.

10.   Speaker effectively analyzes the facts. Information must be given a context.—20 points.

11.   Transitions between paragraphs—10 points.

12.   Essay is double-spaced and either typed or in written in blue or black ink—5 points.

13.   Essay has a conclusion that does not repeat the thesis, one that takes the thesis to the next level. The conclusion does not start with “In conclusion.”—5 points.

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